Transform your community’s road safety initiatives with data that puts equity first

Lead with multimodal and granular trip and traveler insights to power your safety investment decisions. Minimize traffic fatalities and injuries with transportation data that can help identify critical roadways and areas with vulnerable road users.

Utilize data-based evidence to:

  • Accelerate adoption of the Safe System Approach
  • Support HSIP, Vulnerable Road User Safety Assessment, SS4A, and more
  • Promote Vision Zero and Complete Streets policies
  • Encourage community involvement and public outreach

Save time and money by automating data collection and ensuring a safety-first approach for all projects

Develop a path to zero fatalities by identifying high-risk locations in your network with volume, speed, and other trip data.

Ensure safety initiatives are equitable with historical data on household, employment, income, and disability status.

Prioritize safe active transportation infrastructure, justify funding, and encourage public involvement with proven bike and pedestrian data.

“We no longer have to make assumptions about people’s trip activity and travel behaviors. Now we have data to support our research, and it separates fact from fiction.”

Panini Chowdhury, AICP, City of Pittsburgh


Analyze potential risks to bicyclists and pedestrians on a roadway

See how planners can look at speed, traffic volume, and bicycle and pedestrian activity on a roadway to determine the potential risk to road users and normalize total crashes to create an effective safety exposure model.


Ensure safety infrastructure investments are focused with multimodal and demographic insights

Which locations are high-priority sites?

Visualize volume, VMT, speed, bike and pedestrian activity to identify high-risk intersections or corridors.

When are safety incidents likely to happen?

Compare trip and traveler activity by time of day and day of the week.

Which road users are most vulnerable?

Access historical multimode and demographic data (age, race, disability) to identify vulnerable users.

Which safety countermeasures are most effective?

Compare changes in travel time, traffic volume, speed to measure the effectiveness of safety projects.

Prioritize projects and suggest countermeasures with quick access to empirical data

Policy Planning and Development

Get high-quality data on all local and residential roads to identify safety trends and high-priority sites. Inform strategies for Vision Zero, SS4A, work zone safety, HSIP, and more.

Exposure Analysis

Easily conduct site-level analysis in hard-to-reach locations right from your desktop. Utilize speed and bike and pedestrian volumes to layer on to your crash data to build safety exposure models.

Speed Studies

Access reliable speed and traffic data, including speed and travel time percentiles for local or high-volume roads. Easily conduct regular speed studies and implement speed reduction measures without sending staff into the field.

Traffic Calming Studies

Identify high-risk roadways where vulnerable road users are most at risk by combining speed data with vehicular volume and bicycle and pedestrian activity.

Explore additional solutions to complete your transportation picture

Intersection Studies ⟶
Congestion Management ⟶
Active Transportation ⟶
Roadway Volumes ⟶
Intersection Studies ⟶
Congestion Management ⟶
Active Transportation ⟶
Roadway Volumes ⟶


Save Lives with Data-Driven Transportation Safety Planning

This Safety Data Handbook shares key vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrian data and how to use it for safety initiatives including Vision Zero, Complete Streets, MIRE requirements, and workplace safety.



Analyzing Data at Scale for Safe Streets Project

StreetLight was used in Pinellas County to assess what factors were contributing to the rise in “kill or serious injury” (KSI) collisions and devise Safe Street strategies.


The Data Behind Effective Road Diets

By removing or repurposing lanes of traffic, a road diet can improve safety, cut emissions, and reduce traffic. See how they work, with real road diet examples and the data behind their success.



The Complete Guide to Complete Streets

Want to make streets safer for ALL road users? See how Complete Streets initiatives save lives, and how digital traffic data can help implement them effectively.


Talk to Us

Get multimodal data to deploy innovative strategies that tackle safety concerns for all road users.

*indicates a required field